Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Smart Tips for Browsing in Google Chrome

It turns out Google Chrome on android has several functions and features that are not yet known to many people. refer to the following compass-gadget reviews.

1. Find in page
Do I simply go into the menu and select Find in page, You can now easily find specific information that exists on a web page that is for you to explore.
2. Data Compression 
Of course, this data compression features already familiar for us internet mobile.
To enable the reduce data usage on setting bandwidth management, the entire request is loading the page will be redirected to Google's servers and then compressed first before they're sent to your mobile phone's browser.

3. Zoom
Users simply knocking on the page that wants to be enlarged twice. To restore the appearance of the normal size, you can simply repeat the same steps.
4. Preload Webpages 
With preload webpage, your browser will automatically download the data page of the site you are visiting before you even click the link. So while you're reading the article all three pages, then the browser will automatically download the second page when you're opening the first page so that it can speed up page loading time.


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